Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Welcome Back

Every year we set new goals for ourselves and our school.  This year it was exciting to set new goals for the district along with the school board that will impact the future.  I am excited about my new position and looking forward to the changing systems in our schools.  We have set annual goals for the district and I want to share those with the parents and community.  Go Bulldogs!!!! 

School District #28 Strategic Plan
2015-2016 Annual Goals

Goal Area 1: Student Achievement
Statement of Intended Outcome:  St. Ignatius Public Schools has academic and extra-curricular programs that emphasize and enhance student achievement. Our programs and services provide a seamless transition from grade to grade with a full recognition of individual student needs and skills and the provision of differentiated instruction to address both the needs of students and enhance the skills of students. 

Strategic Objectives:
1.      We will vertically align K-12 core Math Curriculum.
2.      We will horizontally align by building one course per staff member. Schedule training to this goal for Rubicon.  ELA Standards will be aligned for all courses.
3.      Teach proper writing across all curriculums.  Schedule training to meet this goal for writing. 
4.      Emphasize the importance of meaningful assessments: Pre, Formative and Summative. Continue to research meaningful assessment for standards based learning. 
5.      Implement the tools of fundamental five instructional strategies at all levels.  Order books for all staff and implement frame the lesson and proper closure at all levels. 
6.      Have every at-risk student on a milepost plan and monitored with positive interventions at all levels.  Use early intervention system to identify at-risk students.  Raise graduation rates. 
7.      Emphasize district resources to ensure that every student can read by 3rd grade. 
8.      Fund and support the extra-curricular activities that we currently offer.  Reinstate uniform rotation with funding. Maintain evaluation process of all programs.

Goal Area 2: Leadership
Statement of Intended Outcome: St. Ignatius Public Schools has successfully implemented systematic professionalism at all levels from the Board, administration, staff and students. We have created a culture where there are open lines of honest communication at all levels. As a result, we have greater collaboration and cooperation from all stakeholders. We have a highly qualified and well-trained staff. We have implemented a progressive program of professional development with measurable benchmarks and accountability. As a result of our efforts, we have effectively marketed the positive attributes of our school system and offer a competitive package for the recruitment and retention of staff and desirable programming for students.

Strategic Objectives:
1.       For goals and expectations of buildings we offer proper training and time to staff.  (MBI, Rubicon, Mileposts, Fundamental Five, Writing)
2.      Monthly report to goals and efforts towards meeting our annual goals. 
3.       Annual strategic plan goals established. 
4.      MBI Leadership Team – All Levels
5.      Shared Leadership opportunities all levels: Board to Staff, Administrative Team, Administration to Staff, Board-Admin-Staff-Students-Parents-Community. 
6.      Gather input of staff and constituents to the effectiveness of leadership to our annual goals.
7.      Develop an exit survey for all graduates to take at the end of the year at graduation practice prior to leaving our district. 

Goal Area 3: Facilities/Classroom Needs
Statement of Intended Outcome, Five Years: St. Ignatius Public Schools has facilities that are conducive to learning and meeting the needs of our students. We have a program in place for making continual improvements to our facilities to ensure that our facilities remain relevant, state-of-the art, equipped with the necessary technology to meet the needs of our staff and students. Our school is THE center of our community. 

Strategic Objectives:
1.      Tech. Director visit and prioritize our district tech. needs by visiting each classroom and contacting each teacher for input. 
2.      Continue to look for grants and outside help for projects that can be accomplished similar to the playground project. 
3.      Continue with the building and grounds committee to best utilize funds that are available. 
4.      Develop a five year plan to get impact aide back on track and available funds to make significant facility improvements. 
Goal Area 4: Community / Communications
Statement of Intended Outcome, Five Years: Through the efforts of St. Ignatius Public Schools and the community, we have jointly created a strong sense of pride in our schools and community. Community members are highly engaged in our schools, our vision and our activities. Parents understand the importance of being engaged in the education of their children.

Strategic Objectives:
1.      Continue: Community Breakfast, Social Media News, Web Presence, Blogs.
2.      Create a collaborative calendar for the district.
3.      Improve Web Presence with more positive data and information about the outstanding work we do.  Begin adding the horizontal alignment of curriculum. 
4.      Continue GRAD Matters and MBI Community efforts – Quarterly Newsletter, Valley Journal, Flyers, Posters, Placemats, Data Downtown “Did You Know?”
5.      Continue Showcase- With Fresh Ideas 
6.      Grant dollars spent to help with attendance and intervention systems. 
7.      Attend and build positive relations with IEC and Tribal Education. 

Goal Area 5: Student Centered Positive Climate and Culture
Statement of Intended Outcome, Five Years: St. Ignatius Public Schools has created a climate and culture that is centered on students and that promote a safe, positive environment, fosters positive interactions at all levels and makes all students, staff, parents and community members feel welcome. We understand that the climate and culture at our schools impacts the future of every student.

Strategic Objectives:
1                1.   Continue with MBI, RTI efforts to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging. 
2               2.   Continue with MBI and Graduation Matters to ensure a safe and welcoming school.
3          3.     Active MBI student and teacher groups at all levels. 
4          4.    Welcome Back BBQ HS/MS- Elem Welcome Back Kick Off.

Goal Area 6: Resources Accountability and Certainty
Statement of Intended Outcome, Five Years: St. Ignatius Public Schools understands that we have limited financial and human resources and we have successfully maximized the resources that we do have. As a result of our tenacity, we have maximized every dollar to ensure that we are putting our resources into our identified areas of priority.

Strategic Objectives:
1.      We will develop a plan with the input of experts to improve our impact aide and levy opportunities.  In the last seven years we went from having a 20 year tradition of being at least a year ahead of impact aide to currently being at will of this year’s amount and borrowing against next year.  This is the worst this budget has been in 25 years.  We will ask the expertise of John Matt, Tim Skinner and Andy Homland to see what we can do to improve our situation and get back on track. 
2.      Our facilities, classroom and technology are below what we have set for a five year standard.  We need improvement in all areas. 
3.      We will search out training that will help us study funding capabilities.  We will look for grant opportunities that we can utilize to offset impact aide stress. 

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